what's new with us? We took a vacation to Branson and visited Silver Dollar City last month. We had a great time! I promise to do a post on that complete with pictures once I get the pics on the computer.
4th of July was uneventful for us. It rained so we didn't have Sean, Deb and Ryan over for a cookout, intending to do that the next day. Unfortunately Sean hurt his back so we wound up not having it on Sunday either. We were able to go to a fireworks display on Sunday night and really enjoyed that.
Isaac started day camp today at a local church. His Pre-K teacher recommended that he attend some sort of camp over the summer since he tends to be shy around other kids and this would keep him used to using his social skills. He went to a camp at the park last summer and it was a horrible experience - he ran away several times and wound up having a meltdown so bad one day that I had to go pick him up. This was the start of my whole insisting he had ADHD post-partum meltdown that resulted in him having an evaluation last fall. Needless to say I did not want a repeat of THAT experience, and Isaac told me that he did not want to go back to camp in the park. So I thought this one would be a good match. It's 3 mornings a week, and a lot of it takes place in the preschool classrooms which is a good thing for Isaac. There isn't the temptation to run away like at the park. When I picked him up today he said that he really liked it and that he wants to keep going. It's 9:40 - 1:00 and he takes his lunch, which he also really likes.
As for me, well, I'm just trying to get through the summer. I've said it before but I really hate summer. Warm weather and sunshine do to me what cold, gloomy weather does to a lot of other people. I find myself becoming easily depressed, unmotivated, and just all around "blah" feeling. Ugh. It's not too bad so far (I've had times when it's been much worse...) and keeping busy and making sure to be around other people really does help.
Since it's not a blog post without pictures I thought I'd add a couple. Here's a picture from when Rex and Isaac went fishing at Jay's pond:
Oh, and crochet is my new addiction. I just LOVE it! Pretty much any free moment that's what I'll be doing...from Little Gym to swimming lessons to MIF meetings to Monkey Joe's. :-P Most of what I'm making is for gifts so I can't share pictures until after I give them but here are a few things that I've made.
I made this mitten (no, I still haven't made the match, LOL)
And here is a tooth fairy pillow that I made for Isaac. After I finished his I made one for our neighbor's daughter who had 2 teeth pulled last week. She told me that they are sometimes made with handles to hang them on the door, and so that is how I made her pillow. I'll be adding a handle to Isaac's as well. Isaac picked out the yarn for his pillow himself.
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