I got my hair cut! It's really short. The last time I cut my hair short Rex didn't like it very much but this time he said he does like it. Isaac said he likes it too. Then he said "Why do you look like Aunt Sharon?" :-P I'll take that as a compliment - I think Sharon is a very pretty woman and I know that Isaac does too. :-)
Rex has been on vacation most of this week which has been really nice. We didn't go anywhere - this was more to do things around the house and to use up his vacation days before he loses them. On Wednesday Isaac was picked up from school by both of us which was exciting for him. Then on Thursday I went to school with him. That is so much fun and he really enjoys it when one of us is able to go with him. I can't believe he has less than 2 months left in pre-K. My baby is growing up! Sob!
Jonas is doing new things every day. He can pull himself up now and is cruising. I've been calling it his cruisin' and bruisin' stage. He takes a spill every now and then which I hate but I know it's also a necessary part of learning to walk. He has a tiny bruise on his cheek next to his mouth from one fall but other than that the other falls have been mild with little or no tears. I was concerned about his ears this week. He just finished his 2nd round of antibiotics for a double ear infection and the congestion came back the day before finishing (which is what happened last time.) I took him to the doctor yesterday and there is NO infection and NO wheezing. It's just a cold. Poor guy has been sick for 2 months now. He just seems to catch everything. Hopefully when the weather changes for good he will be able to shake it. He is 11 months old today. I can't believe he is going to be 1 in a month. My little baby is growing up! Sob!
Hmmm...what else has been going on? We moved the furniture around in our living room. The way we have it now actually makes the room look smaller but Rex and I can sit on the couch together to watch tv after the kids go to bed and I like being able to do that so we'll probably keep it.
Oh, and I learned to crochet! It's something that I've wanted to do for a long time but haven't known how. I tried to learn on my own a few years ago but that didn't work out so well. A few weeks ago my friend Kimberly taught me how at one of our morning MIF meetings. She taught me how to do a couple different types of stitches and how to read patterns. It's slow going - I'm still working on my first project - but I'm doing it! I can tell that I'm getting faster now then when I started and what I'm doing is looking better too. I could pull it all out and start over but I want to keep what I did at the beginning so that when it's done I can see the progress that I've made. I really enjoy doing it. It's very relaxing and therapeutic.
I thought I'd put a few pictures of the boys on here. We had their pictures taken in November (I guess it's time to do it again) and these are some of the ones that we didn't order.

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