Now on to the story...
One evening last July, Rex went into the bathroom to get ready for Isaac's bath. Soon after I heard him call to Isaac: "Hey, Isaac, come look at this!" Isaac goes in and I hear some chatter between the two of them about a spider. Ok, so I'm thinking a teeny-tiny spider was in the bathroom. No big deal, right? I go in there and in the bathtub I see this:
I've made the picture small to remove as much of the ick factor as possible. But let me tell you, this thing was big. I'd say it was at least the size of a golf ball and here in Illinois, that is big for a spider. I took the picture because we did have some concern about what kind of spider it was. Comparing it to pictures that we found online we determined that it was a wolf spider and therefore harmless. I'm not sure exactly what happened to Mr. Spider but I think that Rex took him outside and found him a new home. All was well again and we went on about our business...
Until a few days later...
It was a weekday so Rex was at work while I was home with the children. I had been loading up the washer with towels and was going to the bathroom to get the last ones for the load. When I walked past Isaac he casually said "You have a spider on your back."
Yeah, ok, whatever.
The ensuing conversation went something like this:
"No I don't."
"Yes you do." said in that sing-song I know what I'm talking about voice.
I went into the bathroom and looked at my back in the mirror. I didn't see anything so I went back to again tell Isaac:
"No, I don't!"
"Yes you do!" again in the sing-song voice.
I decided to prove that I didn't once and for all. I took off my t-shirt.
"Look, see, there's no AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"
As I dropped/threw my shirt this HUGE spider started running towards me while Isaac dissolved into a fit of giggles.
Sadly, this spider became a casualty in the great people/spider war of 2008. His friends must have heard the story of the big, scary giants that roam the house because we didn't see any more wolf spiders that summer.
But to this day, every once in a while Isaac will say "Do you remember that time that you didn't believe me that there was a spider on your back?"
ReplyDeleteew chills!
i think your spider's brother was in my bedroom the other night next to MY side of the bed. he didn't make it either...
I'm sorry but that is really funny. I know it wasn't at the time though!!
ReplyDeleteugh..that is gross!!! I would be terrified
ReplyDeleteI know, Hollie! Can you believe that they're getting humor from my distress?
ReplyDeleteJust kidding, guys. I can appreciate the humor. In fact, once the spider stopped his vicious attach and succumbed to the shoe, I thought it was quite funny myself.