The most fun night of the year!
Yes, that is a pink feather boa that I'm wearing. Yes, those are very long false eyelashes. Yes, I am wearing a ton of make up. Yes, I did paint it on. LOL.
Saturday night was the 5th annual Music for Mardi Gras celebration at our church. It's a fun way to kick back, let our hair down and be generally goofy before the serious season of Lent begins.
I think it gets more fun every year. This year I was asked by our wonderful music director, Marcia, to sing in 3 songs. The first was the "Bubble Sisters" act that we have done for the past 4 years. We sang the song "Sisters" and were all supposed to be a different type of sister. There were 6 of us and we all had different personalities. There was a sporty sister, a goth sister, a shopaholic sister, a business sister, a nun - you know, a sister-sister :-P. I was a dramatic sister. Oh yeah, that was fun!
I was also able to participate in "The Perfect Pastor," a fun, lighthearted song about the struggles that a congregation goes through when calling a new pastor. As we just called a new pastor last year, this song was very appropriate. The verses were sung by the wonderfully talented Kie and there were 5 of us to sing the chorus.
Those were the two songs that I have video of and I will be adding video as soon as I figure out how to get the video from the camera to the computer. My parents usually come to the show but were unable to attend this year due to another family commitment, so my generous husband took video of two of the songs that I sang in so that they could see them. This was no easy task as he was also balancing a fussy baby in the other hand. He did a great job, though, and the videos turned out very clear. He was unable to get "ELCA" on the video but let me tell you, that is a fun song as well.
Not only is this a fun night of entertainment, but it is a wonderful outreach program as well. I saw many new faces there, and spoke with several people who had come for the show that are not members of our congregation. Who knows? Maybe someone was moved by the Spirit and will now consider becoming part of our church family.
I want to say a big, huge THANK YOU to Marcia who plans out the entire show every year and does such a marvelous job. We love you and we appreciate everything that you do!
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