Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Just What is Going On at That School?

Isaac is in a half-day pre-k program 4 days a week at our church. We are very happy with the program. He loves it and I can't say enough good things about it. But some things make me wonder...

Today when I picked him up, we went through our usual conversation except today's was a bit different.

Me: "What did you do at school today?"
Him: "We all tooted."

Now I don't want to tell the teachers how to do their job or anything, but that seems like kind of a strange class project to me. :P

Speaking of Isaac, he seems to be coming down with a cold now. Jonas is on medication for a sinus infection and Isaac had seemed to avoid it but yesterday he got the sniffles. Today when I picked him up his teacher told me that he didn't seem to feel well at all today. He's really stuffy now, and sneezing a lot. No fever so far so hopefully this will pass quickly.

Right before I had Jonas my friend Leighann told me that after you have the 2nd it's practically impossible to keep them both healthy at the same time. She was so right! It seems like one of them always has something going on.

Jonas is back to not sleeping again. This baby was such a teaser. Isaac never slept well from the beginning. Jonas, on the other hand, was a dream sleeper straight from the hospital. By the time he was 2 months old he was regularly sleeping 9 hours straight. It was pure bliss!

Then in October he got his first ear infection and his first tooth. Sleep was a bit disturbed but still he regularly slept 4 hour stretches, which is still good for an infant. In November I was hit with my 2nd bout of mastitis and that very night Jonas slept for 1 hour at a time. It was a miserable night. The next night I started having him sleep in our bed and he was able to sleep a bit longer. I was miserable but we were sleeping some. That Sunday I had to be at church for the 8:00 service because I was the cantor. I was crying so hard while getting ready because I was completely exhausted. I got through the service and then came home while Rex and Isaac went to Sunday School. Jonas and I took a nap and I felt human again and then it hit me. Jonas is going to sleep how he is going to sleep and I can't change that. If he sleeps better in our bed then that's how it's going to be. I can either fight it and be exhausted and miserable all the time or I can accept it and be much more rested and at peace with how things are. I think that is one of the first times in my life that I have chosen to accept a situation for what it is and have learned how to have peace with it.

So back to now. He was starting to sleep the 4 hour stretches again which was nice but the past 2 nights he's down to about an hour or two, so he's back in bed with us as he does much longer stretches that way. I wonder if the teething is starting again. It would make sense - the timing is right. I guess time will tell.

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