Monday, February 16, 2009

JoJo's Milestones

I'm so disorganized. Seriously. It causes problems for me at times. In fact, when we had our oldest son evaluated for ADHD (diagnosis - not at this time) the psychologist suggested that I may want to have my own evaluation done and told me that the treatment for adult ADHD is the same as the treatment for childhood ADHD. Maybe at some point I will. As long as I'm nursing I'm not going to add any new medication - Zoloft is all that I feel comfortable taking at this point - but maybe after Jonas weans I'll consider it.

So anyway, this disorganization leaves me without thorough records of my children's lives. I don't know when Isaac first spoke or when he took his first step because I didn't keep a record of it. I really wish that I had. So I'm going to use this blog to keep records for both of my children.

Here are some of Jonas' milestones that I remember:

September 20 - rolled from back to front. Hated being on his tummy so this one wasn't so much fun until he learned to roll the other way.

September 27 or 28 - rolled front to back. I remember it was that weekend because Rex and Isaac were out of town at the time.

October 18 - first tooth. I think it was his bottom left. I don't know the exact date because this one didn't cause him any trouble at all. I was changing his diaper in the car on Oct. 18 (we were at the orchard for some harvest time fun) and he smiled at me, and there was a tooth! It looked like it had just broken through that day or the day before.

October 23 - second tooth. This one caused him a little bit more trouble.

Thanksgiving Weekend - Pushed himself up on his hands and knees.

Christmas (sometime in the week leading up to) - started saying "Mama" and "Dada" in a way that sounded a bit different from just babbling. When he woke up he would cry "Ahhhhhhhhh - Ma-ma! Ahhhhhhhh - Ma-ma!"

January 4 - 3rd tooth. It was the top left. This one caused a month and a half of torture before breaking through.

January 12 - 4th tooth. Top right. This one caused an extra week and day of torture. His gums were so swollen with the top two teeth. It was awful.

February 7 - Forward scooting/army crawling. It was sometime in the days leading up to Isaac's party that Jonas started getting around really well.

Those are all the ones that I can remember. I am vowing to keep better records in the future.


  1. It's funny-I use my blog to keep track of certian things w/ the kids as well then copy them to a journal later on. really helps me to organise in a way.
    Sounds like Sawyer is doing things in a different order than Jonas-1st was teeth, then crawling-but hasn't said a single word yet...nothing even sounding close-lol.

  2. Isn't it funny how different each baby is? I know that Isaac did things in a different order than Jonas. I'm pretty sure he wasn't saying "mama" until he was almost exactly at a year, so I was surprised to hear Jonas saying it now. Isaac did hands and knees crawl at 9 months and Jonas hasn't done that at all. You just never know how they're going to do it.

  3. Hey girl! I have a blog too but don't post on it much... lol

  4. Well then get to writing! I can't keep up with what is going on with you when we're never online at the same time. :-P

  5. Hey Cindi,

    you are not the only one that didn't write all that kid info down...I should prob. do it now...while i still kinda remember...ugh

  6. Don't worry I am the opposite... I have all Kristen's stuff but struggled with keeping up with Meghan and Laurens' Thanks for sharing.
